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Position Catalyst

Businesses — like leaders with adaptive agendas — seek to manage information creatively beginning with communications to their audience. We blend competitive, systems and business analysis to align competencies with your product opportunities by connecting influencers' to key stakeholders' needs.

We briing customer experience design thinking to positioning campaigns that deepen your relationship with stakeholders, employees, customers, partners and the public.  We position you as a trusted information source. You know. Media needs to know. It's always worked like this. The internet has turned the world into a stage. We help you create your spotlight.

Picture the Worlds acts as a catalyst to position your message right where the competition, the influencers, analysts and the media engage.

Strategic Communications

Picture the Worlds is an interactive consulting group. We work with both established companies and new ventures to create and execute innovative positioning strategies and evolving business strategies for the digital and coming clean energy economy. Our expertise brings requirement analysis, competitive intelligence research and progam management in alignment with your people.


craft ::

:: competitive intelligence analysis

:: positioning & branding briefs

:: market & strategy roadmaps

:: executive summaries

:: investment prospectus

:: press releases

:: media relations

:: speaking & press tours

:: product rollout & launch

:: campaign strategy / events


Picture the Worlds is a positioning catalyst for new technology & cleantech projects that helps companies elucidate and refine their strategic initiatives and product development.